Graffiti on a mount close to Merîwan – Hamid Nikkhah Photo: Leonhard Lenz, Wikimedia Commons [Guhertoya Kurmancî] Bi berdewamî bombebaranên asmanî û pêşveçûna bi rêya erdî ya hêzên îslamî-fondamentalîstên ku nîvîna dewleta Tirkiyeyê ne, ehtîmalek zêde yên heye ku di navbera DAIŞ û Rojava de disa şer dest pê dike....
Knowledge / Action
No to the War Machine, in Palestine, Lebanon, Iran and beyond
Photo: Demontration of “Feminists for Jina” in Seattle Benjamin Netanyahu, in a direct address to the people of Iran, speaks of “peace and prosperity.” A peace for “two ancient peoples”: “Iranians and Jews”. Just one week before the anniversary of a war in which Israel, under Netanyahu’s government, has killed...
The Makki Mosque and Woman, Life, Freedom Movement
We rewrote this text hesitantly and reflected on it several times. In a situation where the Baloch people receive much sympathy from other parts of Iran, despite the distorted image which has been built by the center, we were afraid that this article would raise the stigma that is aimed...
Statements of Progressive Mothers
Progressive Mothers Tanide’s introduction: Mothers’ activism in Iran has a longstanding lineage of struggle, resistance, persistence, and remembrance. Dadkhah mothers of Iran from Khavaran to Aban have reclaimed history with their invaluable contributions to doing gender and politics in Iran and transnationally, their dadkhahi mission, and their multivarious forms of activism and...
The black chador, the Baluch woman, and media representation
Tanide’s introduction: The following piece is a translation of one of the statements of Dasgoharan, the Voices of Baluch Women, which was formed in October 2022 during the Jina revolts in Iran. Dasgoharan refers to a longstanding social and convivial tradition among Baluch women in Iran that connotes empathy, solidarity, and sisterhood. The...
Letter of HaftTapeh Women
Paintings by Nane Hassan (Monavar Ramezani) Tanide’s introduction: The workers of Haft Tapeh Sugarcane Agro-Industry Company are among a group of workers in the south of Iran who have held many demonstrations, marches, and strikes in protest against privatization and their unjust working and economic conditions. In all these years,...
Kurdistan stands up against gender-based violence: Mariwan and the death of Shler Rasouli
Waving headscarves in the air in Aychi cemetery in Saqez, (Kurdistan, Iran), women and men chanted “women, life, freedom” to protest the death of Jina (Mahsa) Amini under police custody. This moment fueled what would become the “Woman, Life, Freedom uprising” in Iran, followed by waves of countrywide protests initiated...
Reflection on the Representation of Balouch Justice-seeking Mothers: The Binary of the Bereaved Mother and the Justice-seeking Mother
A Reflection on the Representation of Balouch Justice-seeking Mothers: The Binary of the Bereaved Mother and the Justice-seeking Mother Last year was swift and inspiring. The aftermath of the Jina Uprising altered the discourses and the political sphere [of Iran]. There was loss after loss, grief after grief. The deceased...
This Call is from Evin Prison
Sepideh Rashnu Sarvenaz Ahmadi This call is from Evin Prison A letter from Sarvenaz Ahmadi to Sepideh Rashnu- November 2023, Women’s Ward of Iran’s Evin Prison. Tanide⸻ Dear Sepideh! Your letters and poems are finally here. Today is November 23, and I am here to get fresh air. I am...
For Orange November; An Effort to End Violence Against Women
| One Month; Thirty Milestones One to Seven. Women in Prison of the Body | Persian Reference: Bidarzani Author: Mahsa Gholamalizadeh Translated from Persian into English: Sarvenaz Ahmadi For publishing in Tanide |One: What and why| Violence against Women is one of the most important and common human rights violations...
We are condemned to victory: Gandom’s narrative
Introduction: This is the narrative of a Trans* person anonymously called Gandom, whose story was first published on the HarassWatch platform during the first months of the Woman, Life, Freedom movement. It is a fierce and personal yet political narrative showing how a Trans* body is always a political body...
Documenting Life: Drawing from and in Prison
Writing about Painting, Prison, and Lived Experience Nazanin Mohammadnejad, an independent leftist activist and feminist, answered these questions in a conversation with Tanideh: Where did the idea of your paintings come to your mind, and what is the relationship between paintings, memories, places, and feelings in prison and outside of...
Singing Was Life Itself for Us (Part Two)
A Report from Ward 209 of Iran’s Evin Prison Translated from Farsi into English Retrieved from Harrasswatch The Washroom Harraswatch⸻We could take a shower three times a week. During those first days, when we took a shower, the bathroom was a place for non-stop crying without fear of worrying and...
Writing is in the midst of the flames of fury and blood
Why is the Chabahari girl our symbol? Writing is in the midst the flames of fury and blood, on a trembling ground. It is still not clear to us where the conflict between the superior forces of the state/religion/tribe and the suppressed lower layers of the society will lead....
Singing Was Life Itself for Us (Part One)
A Report from Ward 209 of Iran’s Evin PrisonTranslated from Farsi into English Retrieved from Harrasswatch Harasswatch⸻ Evin’s entry door slid open. The sky was emerging out of the darkness at the crack of dawn. “Cover your eyes with your scarf, and keep your head on the driver’s seat,” commanded...
Could you still remember Ferhad Khosravi?
Yeganeh Khoie Could you still remember Ferhad Khosravi? It was 20 December 2019 when his frozen body was found at the heights of Kurdistan. Do you remember his funeral ceremony? People were shouting: “Our hearts and souls are burnt. We’ve given a martyr for bread,” and the ceremony was transformed...
We Find Each Other’s Hands through Words and Sounds
A Narrative of Living in a Detention CenterWritten by Alef [1] Translated from Farsi into English Retrieved from Harrasswatch Harasswatch⸻ I was there again. Surrounded by those malicious walls, which were neither square, rectangular nor even trapezoidal. It was an eight-meter cell, which became more cramped at the bottom and reached...
Archiving As A Way To Resist
By Atena Kamel The body and the archive “Fahrenheit 451” by François Truffaut, 1966 Death can be interpreted as amnesia. It appears that there would be no archives without the possibility of forgetfulness. Archiving is our attempt to prevent or delay the inevitable: the fragility of connections and their permanent...
A Normal Day’s Breakfast or How Can Women Intimidate Ruling Class by Eating Breakfast?
A Normal Day’s Breakfast or How Can Women Intimidate Ruling Class by Eating Breakfast? Haleh Mir Miri How do places become political? How does a coffeehouse, which was yesterday’s apolitical location, become a place to intimidate the ruling class? What must happen to arrest someone for eating breakfast in a...
The Burned Graveyard
On the Self-Immolation of Women Whose Names Were Not Recorded By Elsa Harasswatch⸻ I’m a woman born and raised in Zagros. More and more, I heard about a woman called Homa Darabi who protested against anti-women rules, such as the compulsory hijab, by self-immolation in February 1994. I heard of...